You can be an ally for people with DID starting today! Be understanding of those with DID. Just because they have DID, it does not mean that they don't have emotions. They are just like you and suffer the same problems as you! Make all alters feel welcomed! Don't ask for a specific alter to front and be respectful to the current alter fronting (or in control of the body). Remember that every alter is a different person! Ask if they are comfterable interacting with you and give them space if needed. Respect their privacy! One major thing to take into consideration is being patient when alters are switching (a new alter is trying to front or control the body). Remember to refer your acquaintance to a therapist for a personalized health plan, to help them cope with DID. Check out the Clip to the right for tips on how to be supportive!
Do one of these steps to help!
How to react to a switch: click here.